. The situation created by the Covid-19

The health crisis linked to the spread of Covid-19 and the restrictive measures taken by public authorities to stop the spread of this virus are having a violent impact on all sectors of society.

Brucher Thieltgen & Partners gives you here some answers to the urgent questions that arise in various sectors of the economy.

. Issues arising in contractual matters

Due to the health and economic crises caused by the Covid-19 virus, which affect a major part of the world, contractual relations will be put to the test. Indeed, this unprecedented health crisis will have significant consequences on the contractual obligations of many economic players, leading to multiple consequences, namely: delays, interruptions, renegotiations and even contractual cancellations. At the heart of these considerations is the notion of force majeure (or Act of God in the Common Law system), which we will deal with, in this article.

The essential question that arises in the present circumstances is whether, as a result of the pandemic caused by Covid-19, the economic actors affected by the consequences of this virus could invoke the force majeure in order to withdraw from their obligations or to suspend its effects, either temporarily or definitively.