Marie Bena, as member of A.L.D.E., the Luxembourg Association of Environmental Law, supports the association with ongoing lecturing on the different matters that constitute the environmental legal framework. A.L.D.E. is also a member of the European Environmental law Association and of the World Conservation Union.

Me Marie Bena
Partner / Avocat à la Cour
Marie Bena presented the main features of the Luxembourg bill of law n. 7065 lodged with the Luxembourg parliament on 27 September 2016 covering a full recast of the law of 30 July 2013 on land and development planning, which offers, among others, new definitions (Master Plan; Sectorial Master Plan; Land Use Plan), corrective measures such as the end of the system of “standstill” servitudes and the implementation of provisional servitudes with no compensation and permanent servitudes with a right to compensation.
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